It been quite some time since I have dropped a blog in your email or your TL, but here I am in living color back at it again. Let's talk. Read to the end for a treat. :)
This blog is dedicated to Girlfriends being on Netflix.
Let's talk, GIRLFRIENDS. This one here are for my ladies, and men if you have "girlfriends" (friends that are girls), well this is for you too.
I just want to say to my girlfriends, I love you and I am so very thankful for each and every one of you.
With that said, I am so grateful for female friends, my girlfriends, my sisters.
As a female, I've heard the "Oh, I don't get along with girls like that, men are my best friends.
But as for me, I have my guy best friend, and I have my girlfriends. There's nothing like having a sister to call when you just need to vent.
3 Reasons Why I'm Thankful for My Girlfriends
Support - The support is unmatched. It's not about if they agree with me or not. It's about them giving me the extra push I need to make every decision I made count. It was about me succeeding where others failed and prompting to me to learn from those actions I took, whether they were right and wrong. My friends are always supportive.
Loyalty - Being there for me, and never switching up on me. Thank you for always coming through for me, and never changing.
Shared Experiences - It's a good feeling to know that you have someone in your corner that has been in your shoes or understand what you are going through. Just knowing that someone feels the same way you do can be so positive and reassuring.
Having girlfriends in your life is a beautiful thing, and I am thankful for mine.
Kiriah K.
P.S. There's a new product of the month and it happens to be my very own business, #LashedByKiriahK, if you want to shop then head on over to and check out my lashes. USE CODE: EXCLUSIVE for a discount. This discount is exclusive only to my subscribers of my blog, and to those who read when I share on my social.